Future Faces Event at Colley Ison Gallery on the 28th July 2022.

Birmingham, England.

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Lawyers Arts Club x Future Faces x Colley Ison Gallery

Lawyers Arts Club X Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce's Future Faces event at the Colley Ison Gallery, Colmore Row, Birmingham. Lawyers Arts Club are a club that is hosting and promoting engagement of those interested in, or connected with, the Law & Arts. The event initiates discursive and non-coercive discussions about the evolving world around us. Good art brings about great conversation and is the perfect way to get to know someone. Some of the artworks exhibited include those by renowned artists:
Goldie Artist Art
Clifford Joseph Price MBE – Born 1965 – Walsall, UK

"Goldie’s graffiti is colourful and bombastic with wry humour – it's impossible not to look at something like the self-portrait of Cry from the Ghetto and see how Jamie Hewlett found inspiration for Gorillaz. Goldie's art quite literally brightened up the stairwells of Hawthorne House and the other high rises in the mid-1980s, with unemployment and hostile policing staples of living in Heath Town. The art pieces embody a wildly imaginative mind."

Graffiti Revolution

Goldie brought forth the graffiti revolution in the UK and, with that, eroded the class barriers and snobbery of the art world.
All you needed was a spray can, a blank wall and a quick pair of legs in case the police came calling. With the rise of graffiti, art became increasingly democratised and more relatable – you have to go to the Tate or the V&A to see fine art but to see graffiti you just need to walk to school or catch the bus. The brilliance of graffiti is all you need to is open your eyes and see it– on skate parks, subways, shuttered high street shops.