Our Community

Community at the Lawyers Arts Club
Our community is law and arts based and we connect with local musicians, artists, performers, solicitors, barristers, paralegals, lawyers, judges, and other working professionals.  We also have numerous connections in and around the United Kingdom- several whom attend, perform, and network at our events.

Despite being relatively new on the scene; we have successfully established our brand in the local area. We are community based and thrive because of the unique collection of artworks in our growing archive.

As a collaboration of Law and Art, we have many contacts in both fields. We are constantly growing and developing our network.  Our events offer opportunities to expand our audience and spread awareness of our club. From seasoned art enthusiasts to those exploring the local art scene for the first time; we relish the opportunity to astound with our arts.

The Lawyers Arts Club is centred in community: the arts scene is constantly changing and developing. Birmingham has many artists with numerous styles and ideas to share, be it on murals, canvases, or screens- our city is decorated with artwork.  

The 2022 commonwealth games will also offer an opportunity for Birmingham based artists to showcase their artistic ability to the world. The games are set to bring vibrance and culture to this already art driven city.