Good Faith.
According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales in 2017 it is reported that about 20% of women have experienced some type of sexual assault since the age of 16. This equals about 3.4 million women in just England and Wales. If you relate this to a widely cited article from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 1996, around 5% of raped women are likely to become pregnant as a result.
Theoretically, taking into account the research from above around 170,000 women in England and Wales have been diabolically been forced into making a life changing decision. Good faith in England gives these brave women the option to abort the baby from their assailant if they should wish to.
In Portugal 1998, a referendum was in full swing to legalise abortion. After long deliberations the referendum was denied and abortion remained illegal in the south-western European country. In response, well established artist Paula Rego created the powerful ‘Abortion Series’. The images depict women who have just or are about to start the procedure. They represented the dangers of making abortion illegal, as women would go to unsafe, dirty and not certified clinics to have the baby removed. Rego’s artwork is praised as being a big part in the decision to form a second referendum in 2007, which resulted in abortion being legalised.
Poland has been at the heart of the battle between pro-life and pro-choice. In 1993 the Polish government passed the forbidding of abortion unless the mother has been raped, is at risk health wise or the baby is disabled. Polish women were forced to either not have an abortion or do it illegally if they did not fall into the criteria. In 2016 anti-abortion groups began to form to push tighter restrictions on abortions. The petition received enough signatures to be put to government. On the 22nd October 2020, PiS (Law and Justice), the party in charge of Poland, decided it was now unconstitutional to abort a baby with a disability. Meaning that women have even less opportunity to be shown some good faith and choose their future.
This is an on going, ever evolving interactive artwork to keep people engaged with the law and the discussion that comes from it.